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Ryan Shumate, Preston Blakely, Isaiah Carr

Faculty Advisor: Sudhir Shrestha, Bob Salter

Industry Advisor: Juan Menendez

Client: Quarterwave

SMD feeder.webp

Problem Statement and Value Proposition

Problem Statement: The problem we are exploring addresses companies that use surface mount device (SMD) feeders as part of their printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing process. When these companies use an SMD feeder to dispense components, they can easily lose track of the amount of components that are remaining on the reel. This causes inaccuracies in inventory, which can lead to productivity losses and increased costs due to manufacturing errors and downtime.

Value Proposition: Our Smart SMD Feeder helps PCB manufacturing companies keep track of component inventory by counting components and updating the database automatically. This enables employees to spend less time counting and locating components, and more time completing products, which improves profitability.

Proposed Solution

Marketing and Engineering Requirements

Marketing Requirements

MR1-Smart Feeder accurately keeps track of component count on SMD reels 

MR2-SMD component database is automatically updated by Smart Feeder

MR3-Smart Feeder fits inside the pick and place machine used for creating PCBs

MR4- An RGB LED on the Smart Feeder indicates the status of the component database 

MR5-Smart Feeder is easily powered on the pick and place machine and on the shelf

MR6-Components are dispensed from the Smart Feeder at a fast enough pace to be used on a pick and place machine

MR7- Additional attachments for Smart Feeder shall be cost effective for small PCB manufacturers

Engineering Requirements

ER1-Smart Feeder correctly counts 50 out of 50 components dispensed (MR1)

ER2-Each Smart Feeder updates the remaining component count every 30 minutes (MR2)

ER3- Smart Feeder will have a max width of 2 cm to not interfere with surrounding feeders on pick and place machine (MR3)

ER4- The RGB LED will be updated in real time. Red indicates the database is not currently updated, green indicates that it is (MR4)

ER5- 2-position standard terminal blocks will be used to apply power to the Smart Feeder on the pick and place machine and shelf (MR5)

ER6- Smart Feeder is able to dispense components at a speed of at least 1 component per second (MR6)

ER7- Smart Feeder attachments will not exceed $100 (MR7)

System Block Diagram on the Machine

System Block Diagram on the Shelf

Hardware Block Diagram

Software Flowchart


Pneumatic Valve Test
Pneumatic Valve test.png
Counting Components
Connection to Database Test
Circuit Test
Gantt Chart
Gant Chart for Website.png
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